Sending in some Star Trek wrappers to Rittenhouse for the reward points. Its still going to take me about 20 more boxes to get the card I want from the rewards catalog but I’m enjoying all the recent releases and can’t wait to open more! I especially love the base set from last week’s release of Women of Star Trek Art and Images.
I made a YouTube video a while back on how I Submit my wrappers to try and reduce the shipping cost and much as possible. I just made an adjustment today that helps.
- Instead of bundling the packs with a single sheet of paper folded several times to form a band I sliced a sheet of paper up into thin slices to wrap with. I bundle the packs by the box opened so these have 24 packs each bundle. I write the box number on it, and note 24 packs to help whomever has to count these. I could have used a rubber band but I think the note you can write on a thin piece of paper can help the processing person see how you bundled these.
- I use a small light weight polybag to ship in.
- Don’t forget you enclose the Rittenhouse Reward Submission Form
- There was an update to their shipping address a while back so always double-check the address you are sending to per their website instructions.
- Always be mindful the shipping sticker and any tape used to sealed the package will add additional weight.
- Before I seal the poly bag I press down on the package to squeeze the air out and the package is both thinner to drop into a mailbox and the shipping sticker had a better flat surface to adhere to.
- For my 5 boxes or 120 Wrappers the weigh is exactly 4 ounces which is $4.75 for US Postal First Class. Just a little heavier at 5 ounces the price would have been $5.50. And if you would have used a box the price have jumped a lot!
Hope this helps!